About the company
Since 2011, Continental Plast trademark is owned by IKP LLC.
Our company ranks in the top five of plastic packaging manufacturers in Russia, and we are the major supplier of molded products in North-West Russia. The company makes use of 200+ press molds, both in-house and customer-owned. Thanks to a wide range of injection molding machines with the clamping force varying from 25 to 800 tons, as well as to the extensive molding equipment stock, we can offer contract manufacturing with the existing customer’s molds or fulfil a turn-key project, from a product drawing or a sample to industrial-scale production. We are ready to arrange press mold construction with reputable European or American manufacturers, and we can find a cost effective Russia-based option, too.
Our production stock includes 50+ equipment units: injection molding machines with the clamping force varying from 25 to 800 tons, as well as extrusion blow molding, offset printing and in-mold labeling (ILM) machines. In terms of output capacity, our blow molding and printing production sites are the largest in North-West Russia.
Our company’s ambition is to work in accordance with global standards. We offer efficient top quality production, attention to the customers, professional excellence of the staff, and certification under international standards.

Portfolio and reviews
All reviewsVGT Company
LLC VGT Enterprise offers for sale in Russia and the CIS countries a wide range of self-made paint and varnish products - paints, enamels, primers, pigments and other acrylic products.
Yaroslavskiye kraski
AO Association "Yaroslavskie Kraski" is a large national operator operating in the market of decorative paints and varnishes in Russia and the CIS countries. A large national operator operating in the market of decorative paints and varnishes in Russia and the CIS countries.
Company Eskaro
The Eskaro Russia division is part of the Eskaro Group AB, an international coatings manufacturing company. In terms of production organization, Eskaro Russia holds a leading position among the companies producing paint and varnish materials in the Russian Federation.
LAKRA Group of Companies is one of the largest Russian manufacturers and distributors of decorative paintwork. All products of the company are manufactured in factories of Russia, Germany, Estonia, Poland, Switzerland, France, Canada using Western industrial technologies.
The production of sauces and fats of the Group is represented by the enterprise EZK, located in Yekaterinburg. The plant is among the five largest Russian enterprises in the industry and occupies one of the leading positions in the CIS market.
KIILTO Company
KIILTO was established in Tampere, Finland, in 1919. KIILTO is engaged in the development and production of adhesives for various fields of industry and construction, mortars, fillers, primers, sealants, parquet varnishes, waterproofing materials, materials for cleaning and maintenance of coatings.
NPP Novye-tehnologii
Company 10 years on the market. Engaged in the production of water-emulsion paint. Delivers finished products throughout Russia. Brands TM Malina Chemicals, TM New Technologies, TM Wave
Currently, the Chemical Food Grade Aromatics Plant is the largest Russian producer of flavorings for the food industry, has a developed dealer network in the largest cities of Russia, the CIS countries and the Baltic States.
High quality syrups and fruit drinks GEDONIA, containing only natural ingredients, give a new sense of taste of life, awaken desires, dreams and emotions.
Resmix is a professional building materials for serious tasks: repair and restoration work, waterproofing and strengthening of structures and soils.